Friday, July 2, 2010

On Twitter Autoresponders

I just read a blog post trashing Twitter auto-responders and the people who use them. First, let me say here and now that I don't have a Twitter auto-responder and have never used one. Honest!
With that little bit of housekeeping out of the way, I believe I can safely comment on the phenomenon. Here it comes. Are you ready? I don't think there's anything wrong with using an auto-responder on Twitter! To me, it works this way: out of the blue, person A follows person B on Twitter. Then, person B sends an automated thank you to person A. What's wrong with saying thanks for the follow? Especially when you don't know the new follower from Adam?

The problem--for many people--apparently shows up when the automated thank you comes with a link to person B's website. Sensitive Twitterers don't take kindly to having links foisted on them, it seems. What I can't understand is why it's okay to just jump up and follow someone, which is--in effect--like eavesdropping on their daily conversation, but it's not okay for the person being eavesdropped upon to share a link in response. Etiquette in the information age gets curiouser and curiouser!

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