Sunday, February 28, 2010

Still not available on Amazon!

Still getting the same message on Amazon's DTP site: your book is being published. I'm getting frustrated. Why is my book taking so long? I will give it a couple more days. Then, I'll email to ask what's up.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Update on self publishing experience

Well, it's been more than forty eight hours since I "published" The Dark Side of Town on Amazon's Kindle Bookstore. The book is still not available for sale, although there is a note on my dashboard saying that most books take twenty four to thirty six hours to be published. I'm beginning to wonder if my book was mis-formatted or had some other error.
I'm still working on formatting the book for Createspace. It needs to be in PDF and I am having to access my husband's technological abilities for that. Margins are the work of the devil! I see why Createspace offers help (for a fee) with this aspect of self-publishing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I've decided to self publish The Dark Side of Town

A forum post on Authonomy made me rethink my position on self publishing. Previously, I was of the opinion that self publishing is bad, evil, and the first step on the road to ruin. After reading the aforementioned forum post, I've decided it's just good business. Instead of waiting for a publisher with a roomful of unsolicited manuscripts to pick mine out of the pile, why not go ahead and let the reading public have a go at it? About the only difference I can see is that I won't get an advance payment. I believe the royalty schedule is more to my advantage, though. So, it may all even out in the long run.
Watch for updates as I explore self publishing options.